Are you a teenager with a lot of pent-up anger? Well, if you do, we have a problem---because it is not biblical to be walking around with a load of anger toward your parents, yourself, and everyone else. So, don't get angry, read this book!
In his best-selling book, The Heart of Anger, author and counselor Lou Priolo tacked the touch problem of the causes and cures of anger in young children. Now, Priolo takes his years of experience in defusing anger in teenagers and puts it in a book designed to be read by teenagers. But Mom and Dad don't worry: we want you to be able to read it to!
This is a breakthrough book---in it you will find helpful topics like: Learning how to communicate properly; How to maintain your cool when provoked; How to manage your manipulating tendencies; Using the appeal process; How to handle rejection and hurt; and undoing disrespect. Plus Lou shows you how to journal your anger experiences to better understand why and how you get angry. This book will put your life back on a God-glorifying track.